We will raise the minimum purchase prices of wheat and rice, and continue to implement the policy on purchasing and stockpiling corn, canola seeds and sugar on an ad hoc basis. 提高小麦、稻谷最低收购价格,继续执行玉米、油菜籽、食糖临时收储政策。
The absence of any reference to cotton reserves in a policy document that spoke of the continued stockpiling of wheat, rice, corn, rapeseed and sugar points to the quiet abandonment of the cotton hoarding programme. 这份政策性文件中提到了对小麦、稻谷、玉米、油菜籽和食糖的继续储备,却没有提到任何有关棉花储备的内容,这表明中国正在悄然放弃棉花储备计划。
The long-awaited special ingredients include: light malt extract, amber crystal malt, honey, gypsum, yeast and corn sugar. 这一期待已久的特制配方的原料包括:淡麦芽提取物、琥珀水晶麦芽、蜂蜜、石膏、酵母和玉米糖。
GMOs are overwhelmingly dominant here among the major crops, representing more than 90% of corn, soybeans, cotton, sugar beets, and canola. 美国的主要农作物中转基因作物占了绝对大头,90%以上的玉米、大豆、棉花、甜菜和油菜都是转基因的。
It is just a corn syrup full of sugar. 这仅仅是一个玉米糖浆,糖充分。
The corn sugar ( or sugar syrup) is supplemented with flavoring, coloring, and acidic ingredients and may be stabilized with a preservative. 玉米糖浆中添加了香料、色素和酸性成分,还可使用防腐剂来增强稳定性。
Preparation and Purification of Corn Starch Sugar Superfine Fibers and Their Properties Characterization 玉米淀粉糖超细纤维的纯化制备与性质表征
World food prices hit a record in January, driven by huge increases in the prices of wheat, corn, sugar and oils. 受到小麦,玉米,糖和食用油价格大幅提升的驱动,全球粮食价格在一月份达到了创纪录的新高。
The biofuel industry is gobbling up an increasing share of the corn and sugar crops. 生物燃油行业消耗了大量的谷物和糖料。
Spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar. 像海绵的糖果,由凝胶、糖和玉米糖浆制成,然后撒上糖粉。
Government buying of cotton, wheat, corn, soya, sugar and rice at above market prices has encouraged farmers to grow strategic crops. 近年政府以高于市场的价格买入棉花、小麦、玉米、大豆、糖和大米,这种做法鼓励农民种植具有战略重要地位的农作物。
The baby's food is made of mare's milk, bull's bone powder, corn flour, grape sugar and other elements. 这婴儿的食品是由马奶、牛骨粉、玉米面、葡萄糖等成分配制的。
It's made by fermenting corn, sugar beets or sugarcane to produce a white crystal that can be easily mixed with most foods. 它是从发酵的玉米、甜菜或甘蔗中产生的白色结晶体,可以轻易和大多数其他食物混合。
The Members ended up passing a$ 300 billion bill in which nearly every crop, from corn to sugar, won subsidy increases. 议员们最终通过了三千亿美圆的法案,从玉米到食糖,接近每一个农作物都赢得了补贴的增加。
The rapid expansion of the biofuel industry over the past 10 years has been controversial because it transforms food crops such as corn, sugar, palm oil and wheat into fuels. 过去10年生物燃料行业的快速扩张一直颇具争议,因为它把玉米、蔗糖、棕榈油和小麦等农作物都变成了燃料。
Same thing happens with corn, sugar and oil-we pay the least in the world for a reason. 美国政府也同样控制玉米、糖和油的价格,我们付着世界上最低的价格是有理由的。
Study on optimization of liquefaction in the key technology of producing corn whole sugar powder 玉米葡萄糖全糖粉生产关键技术中液化条件的优化研究
They focused on corn, sugar cane, Miscanthus, switchgrass and native prairie grasses. 重点关注了玉米,甘蔗,细叶芒,柳枝稷和北美草原的当地植物。
Other Ingredients: Corn Syrup, natural cane sugar, gelatin, citric and lactic acids, natural flavors and colors and polished lightly with vegetable oil. 其他成分:玉米浆,天然蔗糖,凝胶,乳酸,纯天然调味剂,天然颜色,植物油。
Corn and sugar beets could be the future. 玉米和糖用甜菜可能是未来的出路。
Research Of Corn Starch Refining Grape Sugar 玉米淀粉制取葡萄糖的研究
Study on the pretreatment to corn straw and the corresponding fermentative sugar by hydrolysis 玉米秸秆预处理及水解生成可发酵性糖
Sweet corn is an endosperm mutant of corn. Based on sugar and WSP contents in corn endosperm during the milking stage, sweet corn is divided into normal sweet corn, super sweet corn and enhanced sweet corn. 甜玉米是玉米的一种胚乳突变型,甜玉米根据乳熟期胚乳中糖分含量和WSP含量的多少分为普通甜玉米、超甜玉米和加强甜玉米,加强甜玉米又称超甜粘玉米。